SolderSmart® Soldering Robot
Soldering automation as easy as never before!
SolderSmart® is a multifunctional table-top soldering robot developed in accordance with modern quality requirements. The production process is monitored, documented and traceable. Thus, the system meets the highest standards in the field of automation, aircraft technology, and medical technology.
Based on its easy installation and compact construction, SolderSmart® can be used in almost any manufacturing. A simple 230 V power connection is sufficient, no pressurized air is needed.
A Windows computer is integrated in SolderSmart®. As master control, the PC saves all relevant soldering data such as heating time, temperature process, feed length, etc. locally to the computer or to a server. This ensures a traceable process reliability. The PC-based solution allows using all functions of a Windows operating system. This includes network capability, remote access, data management, database systems, backup systems, etc. Process data can be evaluated by using well-known software tools, such as the Office.
Based on its very good cost-effectiveness, SolderSmart® is profitable already for small and medium quantities. Soldering profiles can be saved and retrieved for many modules, which allows high flexibility. Typical applications are soldering THT components to equipped boards, soldering cords on boards, soldering of plugs.
SolderSmart® is an optimal hand soldering robot for everybody looking for a high and stable soldering quality without any compromises.